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4 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Site

Anonymous User2272 08-Jun-2017

 4 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Site

When they say Content is the king, then in that case, promotion is queen! Your quality content will not get noticed by anyone, unless and until you make people visit your site.

4 methods are mentioned below, that you can use to increase the traffic to your website:

1. Natural or Organic Traffic

Optimization for Search Engine i.e. SEO is a must for any website owner. This involved activities for both your internal (website structure, permalinks, mobile optimization, etc.) and external (backlinks) factors are optimized in order to get a lot of traffic from Google on your website.

If you are new to SEO, start learning SEO basics and techniques to be used online. There are various websites available like shoutmeloud and They will give you all the information you are required to know about how search engines work and how you can optimize your site to get good traffic from them. 

2. Paid Traffic

Search Engine Optimization is a strategy that is great for long-term, but there can be sometimes when you need traffic instantly! In that time, a good solution will be to purchase traffic. Another advantage of paid traffic is that it is more flexible. Your SEO work will be attached to a certain website/niche, but with paid traffic you can get visitors today for your fitness website and tomorrow for your cooking site, in case you decide to change strategy!

Check providers like TrafficBot if you want to try this method. Many of them offer free trials, so that you can test the service without risk. Second, costs are not that high. For as low as $10 you can already get a decent amount of visitors to your site. 

3. Social Media Traffic

Having a strong presence on social media networks can return you a lot of visitors to your site as these days, people spend numerous hours on social media.

At the very minimum you want to have a presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Other networks you can consider, depending on your niche, are Pinterest, Snapchat and LinkedIn.

Research on Google about the methods and strategies that work on each of these networks, and start applying them to your accounts. 

4. Email Traffic

An email list is one of the best resources you can have to generate relevant traffic for your website. It’s like you are wasting time and leaving money at the table, if you are not building an email list.

As compared, the number of visitors you will get from email marketing might not be as much as following the other methods stated in this article, but it will be much more relevant and will produce higher conversion rates, because you will have a much more direct and intimate engagement with those subscribers!

Also Read: 5 Steps to Improving Your Website's SEO 


I am a content writter !

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